
Catholic Schools Office Maitland-Newcastle Logo

Music is a highly valued part of the education offered by Catholic Schools. Boasting award winning school choirs, “Glee” clubs, solo artists and singers who have gone on to perform on Broadway in the UK and New York, school bands, string quartets, rock and concert bands and musical tuition offered by our highly skilled music teachers, Catholic schools offer students a competitive range of options to choose from when it comes to music.

Attracting some of the most highly sought-after music teachers, Catholic schools encourage students to take part in their school’s music programs and participate in school choirs or bands at a Primary school level, before being invited to explore further, more specific or tailored music options to further their interest or skills, at a High school and HSC level.

With a focus on both individual and group performances, schools are encouraged to take part in a number of music-based competitions including 1233 ABC Radio’s Cover Lovin’ Choir Competition. Schools also take part in the annual Hunter Valley Garden’s School Choir Competition, participate in major arts festivals and community concerts and perform for pre-schools, the elderly at a variety of aged care facilities, and at local functions and fundraisers.

Since the hugely successful US television program ‘Glee’ went to air, many primary schools are also offering ‘Glee’ programs for students to take part in. Glee programs invite students to sing and dance at a school level, and encourage all to particpate. For specific information, contact your chosen school to enquire about the musical initiatives or programs offered.

On a larger diocesan level, more than 350 school students representing all eleven Catholic High Schools in the region, take part in the annual DioSounds Music Festival. Heldat the Civic Theatre, students perform to a crowd of more than 3000 people across two shows. Click the link to find out moreabout DioSounds.